Hot! potholders

April 12, 2013 § 9 Comments

As much as I didn’t feel like it, I forced myself to knuckle down and get a few things done yesterday. One of those things were these potholders for a friend of mine. They are having a chili cook-off at her church and she wanted to give something to the winner.  I agreed to make some potholders for her.  I dug into my red & white scrap bucket and now my sewing room is a complete mess.  (It wasn’t that clean to begin with!)

They look so awesome hanging next to our stove that I almost want to keep them for myself.  But I need full glove potholders.  I have been known to burn my arms.

Approximate size = 9 1/2″ square for man-sized hands & unisex.  Who knows who might win!

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