Collaborative Scraps

January 25, 2010 § 22 Comments

Collaborative Lone Star

At the time, it felt like a crazy decision to sign up for a class the day after we got back from our ski trip.  But I’m SO glad I did! My friend Linda and I wanted some girl time sewing together and decided to take a class from Judy Irish.  Judy Irish is the long-arm quilter behind many quilts by Kaffe Fassett, Liza Prior Lucy, and Freddy Moran.  The class was awesome!  And Judy is a hoot! She is a great teacher, offering to iron, rip, make suggestions, solve problems or whatever needs to be done so that each student ends up with a fabulous quilt.

We worked on the Lone Star quilt from the book Freddy & Gwen Collaborate Again.  And… can you guess?  My star is made entirely from scraps.  I made a point of digging through my scrap bins for larger pieces and didn’t put any thought into what I was throwing into the bag.  As you know… I am completely addicted to my scrap bins at the moment.

Nothing but scraps

Now I’m trying to decide what to put in the background. In keeping with the “nothing but scraps” theme, I could piece together a bunch of whites, creams, and light fabrics.  I love being able to say that “no new fabric was harmed in the making of this quilt”.

Oh how I love checks!

However…  I LOVE this check fabric!  Dilemma number 1:  This would break my nothing-but-scraps rule.  Dilemma number 2:  The greedy side of me wants to keep the check for myself.  The plan was to give this quilt away as part of my scrap-quilts-for-friends plan.

The patched cream fabrics could be the backing.  Or…  I could  find another fabric similar to the check.  Or…  I could keep this quilt for myself and come up with another scrappy quilt.  I just found out (yesterday) that the birthday party & the Lost party have been separated into 2 different events.  So, now I have until the END of February instead of the beginning of February to finish three scrappy quilts.

I definitely see a mini version of this coming out of my scrap bins.  And possibly more than one!

Scrap on!

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