The Finishing Plan

March 2, 2015 § 7 Comments


Welcome to March Madness, er, I mean…  the month in which we will FINALLY finish up our Random Sampler quilts.  I feel terribly guilty for letting this one slide.  But I’m now ready to get it done.  Maybe I was just missing the mental energy to work on it earlier?

Somehow, my quilt is becoming a medallion quilt. It wasn’t my intention to make it into a medallion when I started. But there it is.  To get my head around what I have left to do, I divided up the remainder of the quilt into sections. Theoretically I’m calling it a border and will then make enough blocks to fill up that section for that week. The section above is the side I am going to work on first.


Then each consecutive week I will complete another section as above.  Even if your quilt is not leaning towards growing into a medallion, you could still divide up the blocks into sections, determine how big you want to make each section and then work on making extra blocks for that section.


If you have seen Moda’s Modern Building Blocks, that is exactly how they are putting their quilt together.  This is the first two sections of the Modern Building Blocks BOM at my local quilt shop.

Here are some of the extra blocks I would like to incorporate into my quilt.  What extra blocks would you like to make for your quilt?

Basic cat block from Oh Fransson!
Butterfly block from Bee In My Bonnet
Mugs & Teacups from Sarah Rose Quilts

Let’s check back in again next week and see where we all are at. Ready. Set…. Go!

§ 7 Responses to The Finishing Plan

  • I’m ready to go! This could be a busy month, but I’m going for it. My quilt has taken on a garden theme, so any block that works with that would be fun, like the little butterflies. It won’t be a medallion (love yours), but I can add more general blocks, too, and the links you provided are great.

  • lbequeen317 says:

    Now see this is what I would love to learn to do.

  • Lettyb says:

    Well, I’m not making any promises – but I think I could get things rolling again 🙂

  • mary jo says:

    Thank you so much for this challenge and your great inspiration for finishing. I really had no idea what to do except I knew I wanted to have the center block a medallion with the tree of life block on point. And since your email came I have that block together and am working on the next round, probably half square triangles. Thanks for resurrecting the random sampler. Yay. Mary jo

  • I’m thinking my quilt will need some filler-type things, such as strips of flying geese. I also want to incorporate a couple more blocks with a darker background just so the couple I already have will blend in better.

  • janniemae says:

    Really like this idea! Thanks for the inspiration. I don’t think I will be able to complete my blocks as fast as you are going along but am excited about the project!

  • The suspense is nerve racking!

    Is she on schedule?
    What does it look like?
    Or did she work on the retaining wall, in the warm sunshine, all weekend?

    Inquiring mind want to know!

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