Mug Rug Hugs

September 14, 2010 § 26 Comments

Mug Rug #1

Mug Rug #2

I’m trying to get as much of my sewing obligations done before we head to the beach later this month.  If I didn’t have other things to finish, I’d surely waste my day away making more of these mug rugs.  These are for the Scrappy Mug Rug Swap on Flickr.  I just had to make the pink floral one. But I think the red ‘shroom one is more my swap partner’s style.  I’m envisioning a whole stack of these in a rainbow of colors.  They are relatively fast and therefore the satisfaction of finishing comes much sooner!

Project stats:

Approximate finished size – 5 1/2″ x 8″

The fabric shapes are fused onto a background with Steam-a-Seam Light. Then I stitched around the shapes with dark brown thread similar to the Sketchy Stitching Tutorial over on my How To page.  The binding is machine sewn down on the front.

Which reminds me… I have it in mind to write a post on how I sew on binding. I know there are a gazillion tutorials out there already. But everyone does them a little bit different. Might as well voice my opinion too.  Also, someone asked me how I made the Wagon Wheel in my Doll Quilt.  I am an EQ junkie and draw everything in EQ. So, I am planning a post on how to draft your own wheel on graph paper. Whew. That ought to keep me busy for the rest of the month!

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